Thursday, May 29, 2008

Of concern...

This was written last week and emailed to everyone. So, if you get the email updates this news is not new:

We really need you all to be in "much" prayer for Dad. Mom has been getting more and more concerned about the color of Dad's left foot (the one that is "dropped") so Monday she got the doctor to look at it. They were very concerned as well and sent Dad to a vascular lab. At the lab, they put blood pressure cuffs on from the top of Dad's leg down to his big toe. They discovered that there is absolutely no activitiy in the foot at all. (I'm sorry, I forgot to ask at what point they DID find the blood circulating.) They are trying to get an appointment with the surgeon for this next week (he is booked solid through the month of June) but with the holiday weekend Mom and Dad probably won't hear from them until Tuesday. Other requests:
Dad has applied for MaineCare - please pray that he would be accepted into this program as it will cover most of the cost of his health care.
Also, Dad has applied for disability. Again, pray that he would be approved. We are told that no one gets approved the first time but Mom and Dad don't need to go through the hassle of contesting/re-applying.
Pray for Dad's spirits - they are quite low right now as he fears that he will lose his foot.

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