Saturday, May 17, 2008

Just an update...

Oops! We are falling behind again! I was hoping that Suzanne had added something but I guess that she has been as busy as I have been (imagine that!). :)

The kids and I (Kelly) were down and spent a couple of days with Mom and Dad since I was asked to speak at the church's Mother/Daughter Luncheon (May 3rd). We enjoyed our time there but, as always, it was too short. Suzanne and her two came and spent a night as well. Also, Mom and Dad enjoyed a short visit from Janna last week. They love having company so don't be afraid to drop in. I would advise that you call first to make sure that they are home.

Dad delivered the results of his bloodwork to Dr. Anderson but I have not yet heard what his opinion is. Dad has missed a couple of therapy sessions due to elevated blood-sugar counts. He was able to get part of a session in on Monday and I haven't heard how the rest of the week went.

Last week was a rough week as far as Dad's "drop foot" goes. Because his leg doesn't always cooperate, this throws him off and he falls. Last week he fell about 4 times. This is scary for those who are around when it happens and, I'm sure, hard for Dad. But, he does handle it well.

Mom is looking quite tired. The driving, the stress, keeping up with the meds, doctor appointments, etc. is very wearing. Continue to uphold her in your prayers too. Suzanne tries to get over once a week to help them out. This week she took Dad over to Winslow for his appointment with Dr. Anderson and gave Mom the afternoon off. Mom used her time to sort through some boxes and get rid of some more "stuff".

Hopefully, now that we are done homeschooling, I will be able to keep up with this better. Thank you for your patience. :)

1 comment:

Tim and Dawn said...

Thanks Kelly and Sue for your work and time on the blog.