Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New plans

Dear Friends and Family,
Well, Dad has finally gotten over his cold only to succumb to gout in his foot. But, that is not holding him back too much. He continues to see Dr. Anderson as well as others. Dad went for some tests last week, his "long range" blood sugar levels are good and the keratin levels in his kidney were very good.
Anyway, the purpose of this email is to let you know that, 1.) Dad has been re-scheduled for surgery on Jan. 12th and, 2.) he went into the hospital today to begin in-house therapy in order to learn to use his prosthesis. He was admitted to Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor this afternoon and they told him he would be there for a week.
We have enjoyed having Mom and Dad spend a few days with us a couple of different times over these past weeks. It is nice to see them trying to get a sense of normalcy again - a new normal, I guess you would say. Because Dad was not in the hospital, they were able to make their annual trip to NH for Thanksgiving (sorry I missed out this year, Scott and Kelly), this past Friday they were in New Brunswick helping Grammy Porter celebrate her 80th birthday and, when Dad gets out of the hospital next week, they are hoping to fly to Wyoming to spend Christmas with the "Western contingent" of the Allen family. All of this between doctors appointments.
We hope that you had a great Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a blessed Christmas season!


PS For those of you who don't know, Tim was in the ER on Saturday with a bout of kidney stones. Haven't heard how he is doing but praying that "this too shall pass". :) Also, keep Gigi and Breanna in your prayers as they both lost their jobs recently. Ben is at Academy for a couple weeks for more job training - keep him in prayer. Peter Quimby is having knee surgery on Thursday of this week. Pray that the surgery will be successful, that he would heal quickly and that Sue won't kill him as he recuperates! Just kidding!!! :) That's the latest family news in a nutshell....