Thursday, March 27, 2008

Go to the head of the class!

Dad should get a great big sticker! He had his first rehab sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday was just a bunch of talking, blah, blah, blah! And then on Wednesday came the fun stuff. The therapist told him the big workout for the day was going to be going up TWO stairs. Woo-hoo!! (I get excited just talking about it). But alas, the lady was disappointed. Dad had already beat (beaten?) her to that task. See...Mom and Dad have FOURTEEN (count them) steps just to get into the apartment! So, she used the time to show Dad some stretches and exercises to get up his energy level.
Mom says that they are both sleeping much better. They have been working on his sugar levels...snacks before bed and checking his sugar first thing in the morning. But another blessing came yesterday when they visited their family doctor in Bucksport. Due to Dad's 3o-pound weight loss (he gets another sticker!), better eating habits, and different energy levels, they have cut way back on his insulin intake, as well as taken away his glyburide pills. He'll be joining Mom at Curves before we know it (just kidding!).
Pray for continued patience on both of their parts. Pray that Dad will sincerely enjoy the beautiful, healthy meals that Mom prepares and not crave the things that are bad for his heart.
Pray that they will remember that God's mercies are new every morning!!
Thank you for the many cards and calls!

For Kelly, Tim, Jon, Dave, Ben, Pete, and Janna,
Suzie Q

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


OK, so Suzanne is obviously the more creative one. :) I might be too if I wasn't always writing this when I am tired. LOL Anyways, after spending Easter weekend "on the Miramichi", I am back on the job.

Checked in with Mom and Dad upon our return and found that they had an eventful weekend. They were pleased to have Glen & Libby Ackroyd spend the night with them on Friday. This was truly a God-send as Dad woke up Saturday morning with his blood sugar level at 2. something. Also, God-ordained, was the fact that Mom had just talked with Aunt Myrna (Mom's sister, who is also diabetic) about what to do when Dad's blood sugar drops so low. So, another crisis averted. Mom will be talking with the doctor about adjusting Dad's insulin.

Sunday Mom and Dad enjoyed having Ben, Sue & Peter and kids over for an Easter dinner. Had to adjust the normal menu and served roast beef instead of the traditional ham (where's Steve and Cindy when we need them!?! Miss their awesome ham!!!). Dad did get to church on Sunday to enjoy the Easter service.

Dad was able to get in to see Dr. Anderson, his faithful chiropractor, on Monday to get his left foot/leg adjusted. At that time Dr. Anderson mentioned a treatment that he could do to help with Dad's heart - possibly even open up his arteries some. Dad will go for those treatments next week (there are 4 of them).

Dad started his cardiac rehab today. I wasn't talking with them today so I am not sure how that went.

Keep Mom and Dad in prayer as there are many adjustments that they must make in their lives. Thank the Lord that we have a God that never changes - or adjusts!


Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Home again, home again, jiggity-jig!"

When I say "again", I really mean "again". Dad had a bit of a rough night Wednesday night. I say "a bit" because I wasn't there.
Mom said she felt that Dad was going through something during the night because he was very restless, fevered, and unstable on his feet. He did try getting up at one point, falling back against the wall, and sliding to the floor.
Mom noticed around 3 a.m. that there was a difference in his behavior and he seemed more settled, but when they got up in the morning he was having trouble with his left leg again. He "slid to the floor" again, and Mom could not get him up off the floor. She could not get him to respond well enough to help her either.
NOT coincidentally, Peter Webb called at that moment and he drove down to help Mom out. Dad's doctor instructed them to go back to the hospital.
By 4 p.m., they were headed back home! The doctors had run a CAT scan with nothing appearing to be wrong. So...they gave Dad the boot!! Really! Okay, "gang", so it was a real boot. He was able to walk out of the hospital on his own with this boot on. It should help stabilize him and make his foot work the way it should.
Praise God that this wasn't something more serious!
Please pray that...
1. Dad will get peaceful rest.
2. His blood sugar will stay even. It has fluctuated from 60-400 in one night!!
3. He and Mom will know his limits. He needs rest, but also needs to get buffed up!
4. Mom will find creative, tasteful ways to change up Dad's menu. Any salt-free recipes out
Do you remember that Sunday School song "God answers prayer in the morning, God answers prayer at noo-oo-oon, God answers prayer in the evening, So keep your heart in tune"? LOVE IT!!

This has been the combined effort of
Kelly and Suzanne :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Going Wireless"

Just got off the phone with Mom. Dad is all dressed and ready to go home - just waiting for his "final orders". Mom told me that he was all unhooked and was now "going wireless". :) PTL!!

They have gotten him signed up for cardiac rehab which he will have to attend three times a week starting Tuesday. Mom is planning to stay home with Dad this next week so that she can attend these classes with him. They have information on exercise, food (what to eat and how to cook it), etc. After that, she will try to ease back into the classroom as much as she can.

Mom and Dad already have plans to have Easter Dinner at Sue's place and are hoping to see Dr. Anderson (Dad's chiropractor) on Monday to see if he can help with Dad's left foot.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More News

As Mom had been at the hospital with Dad for two nights and parts of three days, I (Kelly) went down to give her a break. Mom and Dad are both in good spirits. The therapists are working Dad pretty hard getting him ready to head home tomorrow, Lord willing.

While there, I DID find out that the medication they have Dad on is to strengthen his heart. So, with this and the exercises that they want him to do as well as going to cardiac rehab, they might put a defribillator in after three months time.

Dad does have to walk with a cane as he is still a bit unsteady on his feet. And, he must have a "spotter" as he goes up and down stairs. But, praise the Lord, stairs aren't going to be a problem at this time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Bottom Line

The results of the catheterization showed that Dad has blockages in four arteries - 100% in three of them and 70% blockage in the fourth. They will not be able to do any type of surgery as Dad's heart is too weak. So, they will be treating Dad's heart condition with medication, exercise and diet.

We are not sure when Dad will be released from the hospital - one doctor said as early as tomorrow.

One area of concern is the fact that Mom and Dad live in a second floor apartment. Not sure if this is the best situation for Dad. We will see what the doctor's have to say.

"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD." Psalm 112:7 This is a verse that I gave to Dad the other day, more for the "his heart is fixed" part. But, what comfort it brings today, that we don't need to be afraid of bad news for God is in control!! Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Kelly on behalf of the family

Late Breaking News!

Just wanted to let you know that Dad has been taken down for his procedure and is scheduled to go in for the 11 a.m. slot. The nurse told me that he probably won't be back to his room again until 3 p.m. Will try to update this as I get more information. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers for our Dad and family! It is so awesome how the body of Christ works!!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kidney Kount!

Yes, we can spell. It's just more fun to play with words!
Dad is still scheduled for the catheterization tomorrow, Monday. He will be taking fluids this evening to irrigate his kidneys, ever careful not to damage them.
His kidney count is up a little today...2.0. It should be down to 1.5. Please, pray that this will be down in the morning and shock those doctors! Our God is that big, right?!
The doctors schedule the procedures for 8 & 11 a.m. We're not sure yet which slot he will be in, but it wouldn't hurt to be praying at both times!!
Thank you so much for all your love and prayers. We know that our Dad is awesome but it's nice to hear that everybody else agrees.

Suzanne, for the kids

Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Buffing Up"

Today was a quieter day visitor wise but the medical staff was doing all they could to help Dad "buff up" for his catheterization. They had him "practicing" going to the bathroom, walking the halls, knee bends (kind of) and even doing some stairs. If it wasn't for the fact that Mom and Dad live on the 2nd floor they might have let him go home for the weekend! Praise the Lord for this vast improvement!!!

The catheterization is still planned for this coming Monday so please be in prayer.

Until next time....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things are looking up!

We found out today that the heart catherization is scheduled for Monday. His kidney levels are improving. Please pray that the kidneys continue to improve.