Saturday, August 16, 2008

Making Progress

It was so nice to walk in to Dad's room at the hospital and see his smiling face. He was sitting up in his wheelchair wearing "real" clothes and was smiling and conversing with those around him. It was so nice to see! Dad is almost finished his first week of rehab which includes: speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. And already, he has graduated from speech therapy!! Yeah, Dad!! His other therapists are praising him for "being ahead of the curve" so to speak. Everyone is very pleased with his progress. Dad was disappointed to find out that they want him to stay in the hospital for 3-4 weeks of therapy. He is hoping, and asking everyone to pray with him, that he will continue to progress faster than they anticipate so that he can get home quicker. Radiation continues to be a daily event. Dad still does not like his trips down to "the dungeon" but he remains on schedule with these treatments. He has broken out in a rash which Dad blames on the radiation - the doctors are not sure what has caused this but it is uncomfortable for him. The church in Searsport has once again offered Mom and Dad the use of their trailer. So, Mom and Dad will be moving down there shortly. This will be a big help since everything is on one level and it won't take 14 steps to get there!

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