Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Like old times!

Dad had an appointment with the cancer specialist yesterday, July 14. The only thing decided then was that the specialist would confer with the surgeon and decide on a course of action. So Mom and Dad still don't know anything definite. Keep praying! Maybe the cancer won't be there by the time they take another look at it!
Also, Dad is doing what he loves best this week. He is speaking at River of Life Bible Camp in Howland. Which brings up a few things that you can be praying about...1) That decisions would be made for the Lord. These children could be saved from much heartache if they decide to give their lives to God now. 2) Safety as Dad walks across the uneven ground. There are many humps, stumps, and roots to trip over. 3) That Mom and Dad would find some rest and rejuvenation. Life has been quite a merry-go-round in the recent months. It's good to get off every once in a while and take a deep breath. 4) For Dad's spirit. That he will continue to persevere and have a desire to keep being used of God.

God desires to use each of us until our final breath...IF we will only let Him!

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