Saturday, April 12, 2008

Into Overtime

Well, I guess some people have been complaining that we haven't added anything new - guess we haven't felt like there was much "exciting" happening to be worthy of adding. But, to satisfy all you bloggers out there, here goes.

Dad completed his first full week with Dr. Anderson and Dr. Anderson has decided that maybe a couple more sessions would be beneficial. So, Dad has now gone into overtime and is back in Skowhegan for a couple more sessions on Dr. Anderson's super sonic herbal heart belt. (Actually, at this writing he has now completed these sessions.) We won't know until his next blood work whether these sessions have been effective or not. The hope (and prayer) is that this will strengthen his heart and possibly even open his arteries up.

Dad continues to have trouble with his "drop foot". We can always tell when he is getting tired because he drags his foot more. Pray that this would rectify itself as the doctors have said that it would.

Also, pray that Dad does not get strep throat. On their way home from NB they stopped to visit with us. I warned them that I had a sore throat but later in the week found out that I actually had strep throat. I did try to keep my distance so, Lord willing, Dad will not get sick from this exposure.

Not much else to add at this time, so I will bid you adieu!


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