Wednesday, August 20, 2008


That's all I can say. I know we should expect great things because God is in control. BUT, when great things happen, I still find myself shaking my head and being utterly speechless.

So, which one of you do I accuse for having your prayers mightily answered, and so quickly, too! I admit I was stressing just a little about getting this ramp made for Dad. I had lovingly volunteered my hubby to do the task, and he was more than willing, but just didn't know WHEN to do it before Friday. So mom and I called the pastor in Searsport (where they'll be staying) to ask about something different altogether, and he informed us that the ramp was almost just 24 HOURS!!!!

Okay, I can't talk anymore...I'm still shaking my head!

Thank you so much!

For the kids,

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