Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Doctor said...

After having to wait for over an hour for the surgeon to get out of surgery, Mom and Dad were finally able to see him. Mom said that he asked Dad many questions, reviewed his file and lab work. The course of action that he wants to take is to first find out were and what the blockage is. He will do this by use of an ultrasound as well as a catheterization of the leg. He mentioned several other things that could be done then asked if Mom and Dad had insurance. Upon hearing that they didn't, he decided that those tests wouldn't change anything so they didn't all need to be done anyways (now we know why our insurance premiums keep going up!).

The doctor then told Mom and Dad to see his secretary for the appointment to have this testing done. When the secretary told mom that Dad couldn't be seen until the end of July she asked, "Don't you have anything sooner? I think the doctor wanted him seen right away." She referred back to her schedule and found a 15 minute slot later in June! Mom said, "I think the doctor needs more time than that." So the secretary phoned the doctor, reminding him how packed his schedule was and that he only had 15 minutes available. We don't know what the doctor said to her but, praise the Lord, she found a 3 hour slot for next Tuesday (June 3rd)!!!

Thanks alot "gang", as Dad would say! This happened as a direct result of your prayers!!!

When Mom and I were talking, she made the observation that Dad goes into these appointments thinking the worst. So, when the doctor doesn't tell him the "worst", he comes out feeling like it was a "good" appointment. Kind of made me chuckle. :) Pray that Dad will keep his mind "stayed on the Lord" during these days before this next procedure.


1 comment:

Tim and Dawn said...

We are praying for your appointment tomorrow!