Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Will work for fun!"

Well, we've put Dad back to work. I hope he wasn't expecting to have it easy for too long. Mom and Dad were visiting me the other day, and I realized that my lawn needed mowing...! It didn't take long to convince him to do it. It did, however, take awhile to actually get him ON the mower. It was probably amusing to see three relatively intelligent adults staring at a lawn mower like it had just talked to us. But, we rose to the situation, and the lawn got mowed.
Another praise...I know aren't we getting sick of those. There are soooooooo many!!! Anyways, Mom and Dad got a new-to-them vehicle last week. It is a Ford Escape, kind of a smaller version of an Explorer. It is so much more comfortable for Dad and much easier for him to maneuver in and out of. Yeah! Also, he is back behind the wheel a bit. He is so enjoying this new freedom.
Something humorous...a new doctor was checking up on Dad the other day and had never seen him before. The doc was reading Dad's chart out in the hall and then came into the room for the visit. He took one look at Dad and said, "Wow, you look good!" He had assumed from the chart and all Dad's issues that he'd look much worse.
Prayer week from this Friday, Dad meets with the surgeon to decide about removing the we or don't we. Pray that the tumor will be gone!
Also, we are waiting to hear about an appointment with the cardiologist. This is important to Dad because a comment has been made by another cardiologist that just came on to Dad's case that maybe he should not get his prosthesis. She felt that using one would be too much of a strain on Dad's heart. My reply to this was, "Hopping around on one leg isn't a strain?!" Anyhoo...Mom and Dad are going to try talking to this other cardiologist about it as it will be his decision. Pray really hard...Dad had been so excited about getting started on therapy with his new leg.

Thank you so much for all your love and prayers,
Suzanne, for the family